The Gauntlet is a new Game Show hosted by a notorious evil master-mind known as Bad Bat. You, one of his new contestants, must race through a multitude of lethal obstacle courses all of which have been designed with your demise in mind. If you can make it through Bad Bat’s chambers the fastest, you can leave with the Grand Prize! Your Life.
Sprint, slide, jump and ride your way through a variety of obstacles as you experience Bad Bat’s brutal Game Show in campaign mode. Do what you need to get to the end, but just make sure that when you enter that elevator, that you are not the slowest contestant.
Think you could have gone even faster in a particular gauntlet? Once you complete the campaign you will unlock “Speedrun Mode” in which you can tackle each Gauntlet whenever you want. Work on new routes, tackle different obstacles and work towards a new high-score!
- March 8, 2024